Phone repairs are getting ridiculous - Here's why.

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コメント (21)
  • @Stumble-G
    The funny part isn’t that it’s ridiculously easy to break, but the company’s who make them do everything to make them as hard to fix as possible
  • A lot of the repairs I used to offer I just stopped offering altogether because I'm not able to get quality parts at reasonable prices anymore. It is unfortunate, but everything eventually comes to an end, and the era of us being able to offer certain repairs at competitive prices with good parts has come to an end. I did my best to fight back against it, and I lost. I lost bad. All I ever wanted was to share the fun that comes from following a diagram, solving a puzzle, and making the fan spin with the world. For a short period of time, I had that. Now it is gone. At least I can say that I tried.
  • Luis Rossman has been lobbying and advocating for Right to Repair here in the US and he goes very in depth in many videos in how Apple is trying to control everything and prevent user choice in device repair, not just the phones
  • Funny thing. My S23+ fell off my motorcycle at 110km/h on onto the highway. The case fell off and the back of my phone was shattered along with the metal body being shredded. Screen was totally fine but the screen protector was smashed. Took it to Samsung, to replace entire back glass and metal body, $95 parts and $15 labor (I'm in Thailand). They accidentally broke the screen on repair and replace it with a brand new one for free. After this, I don't think I could go back to Apple. On my iPhone 11 it was cheaper just to buy a new phone than replace the back glass.
  • "Its a real scam". If the screen of a latest Iphone breaks we have to literally pay half the price of the phone itself to repair it! 😐😐😐
  • This is 100% on Apple - they made it incredibly hard for repair shops to fix it - all the pairing and expensive parts, not even talking about the way phones are glued together.
  • The last time I went to get my phone repaired was for my iPhone 6s Plus and they glued a piece inside of the phone, so a year or two later when I went to Apple to get my battery replaced, they told me that somebody repairing the phone had glued something inside so they just said we’ll give you a new phone because someone screwed up this job. I think they thought that someone at Apple had screwed up the job because they just gave me a new phone instead of replacing the battery for the exact same price as the cheap battery replacement at that time which I think was only $50. This was years ago when the iPhone 8 was the newest iPhone, so I think the repairs were much cheaper because now it is stupid expensive.
  • As a repair shop, I just stopped taking in iPhones all together. It's just not profitable since customers don't want knock off parts but aren't willing to pay for genuine parts either.
  • It's messy no doubt, A repair shop nowadays is kind of like your barber. You want to build a relationship with one and keep going to them. It is quite annoying the amount of disclaimers I have to give before/after fixing an Apple device vs let's say a Samsung, but most people seem to understand and don't mind. The aftermarket displays are a hit or miss but once you find a good supplier they can get really good, I'd say maybe 90% as good as the originals. With a good warranty, those make for very cost-effective options. The best practice for repair shops is to be as helpful as possible because there's a lot to explain.
  • Big man finally brought this up! THANK YOU! The world needs more coverage of this, Louis cant do it alone
  • @JIFAN7886
    17:57 this guy saved your reputation.. i was wondering why is no one recognising you 😂
  • @carpdog42
    A counterpoint on the "you don't have the guarantee" of a bigger shop; Louis Rossman made the opposite point, that the small sketchy shop guy only really has his reputation to work off and isn't getting the big money because he doesn't have the look that makes you comfortable, he is often going to give the best service because a big part of his business is going to be word of mouth.
  • @notvixios
    The ad placement was actually genius, making it so there's no need to skip it because it adds context to the video is genius
  • I swear samsung is strategically placing multiple ads on these videos,i got like 3 for the same galaxy phone already
  • I remember fixing the iPhone 5c, switching out my sisters screen for my broken screen. It was easy to repair back then. A few months ago, I bought a Sony Xperia Play on eBay and switched out the screen for my broke version. Also easy. New iPhones suck for repairs.
  • @MeryKeit
    “iCrack” being the name of your phone repair service is wild 😂
  • Ex IPhone repair technician here, generic iPhone screens costed us like 80 quid and came with true tone capabilities, the only loss was they where not Oled and bezzles are slightly bigger. Rarely heard a customer turn it down. Official Apple started at 250 and just shot up from there, company would have went under if all we sold was official... As for how long to repair, I could replace 30 iPhone screens a day, it took about 15 minutes per screen, we say 30 minutes incase of complications or a faulty part. Yes 100% apple locks parts to a ID code, we had ways of getting around it if we where very careful and took our time. Like connecting the ftp cable of the face I'd module to a third party tool to copy its code and copying the original screens data, etc etc. If we didn't do this parts would just stop working for no reason at all. New screen, no face I'd, new button, no 3d touch or touch I'd even if it was a genuine part, new camera, no camera lmao. Apple are an absolutely horrible company, as a technician I hated them
  • Thank you for using your channel and your position to find all this out for us end users. It is a costly experiment, but it has given us a great insight into what to do and what not to do. In fact from now on I think I will be buying used phones, I don't fancy huge repair bills on top of huge expense on the original phone! Great video!