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Malunggay Boy

2,120 subscribers

About Malunggay Boy

A Secret to a Happy Life is to Eat good and healthy food, have enough Sleep, getting physically fit with enough Exercise, Explore new things and travel the world, be Contented and most special Give all your best to God.
Hey, I am Malunggay Boy after many years I decided to document what's happening in my life and I want to share it to you. I am a martial artist, a dragon boat paddler, sporty guy and adventurer. I am also a graphic artist, farmer, craftsman, a teacher and my number one passion cooking and eating. In this channel I will share to you how to live simple, create new things from scratch, restore useful things. Cooking simple but healthy and delicious foods. Getting fit with or without equipment, self defense and many more. So please subscribe now so you could get updated always in our daily journey.

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