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About ArtistaLyss

My goal is to make all sorts of of entertaining videos for everyone to enjoy! I want all my videos to be family friendly, but that doesn't mean they're too childish for adults to enjoy. To comply with COPPA, my channel is aimed towards a 13+ audience, but I still try to keep my channel clean.

Channel rules:

1) No cussing (That includes curse-word censoring, with some notable exceptions, but "slang" terms such as "heck" are acceptable)
2) No spam promoting (if you seem sketchy, you will be hidden from the channel)
3) No nsfw, please.
4) Follow YouTube's community guidelines (death threats and the like will be reported)

Video request rules:

1) No heavy violence, gore, or blood
2) No curse words
3) No nsfw
4) No controversial topics outside of my own terms

Livestream rules:

1) No cussing
2) No spamming, unless something would require you to.
3) No nsfw
4) Respect others
5) Follow the community guidelines

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