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About ~GiRL_InTeRrUpTeD~

I've been diagnosed with having Borderline Personality Disorder. I'm glad to have found myself an alternative healthy outlet to express repressed emotional pain and share experiences in a validating environment! I suffer from various disorders as a result of being raised with toxic disordered people and living within an invalidating/abusive environment. It is hard for me to open up but I'm trying to push myself into making more videos which are therapeutic for me and hopefully help others who are suffering through similar situations THANK YOU EVERYONE please subscribe, like and comment helping me gain the much needed strength which will enable me to create more and more informative genuine videos

Join Me On This Discovery In Uncovering What's Beyond The Borderline And Exposing Other Cluster B's And Abusers!

#stigmafree #mentalhealth #bpd #npd #personalitydisorders #endstigma #domesticviolence #humanbehavior #truecrime

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