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Tertius Roach

152 subscribers

About Tertius Roach

Welcome to Tertius Roach's editing journey!
This channel unveils the amusing mishaps behind my serendipitously fortunate career. It's less about visual extravagance and more about the chaotic tapestry that brought me here. Unwanted subscribers are discovering this channel like they've stumbled upon a hidden gem. Despite the lack of glamour, my editing story is one of unexpected twists. But I traded my dreams for a more superficial reward like money. From accidental nods to posing as a photography expert by not taking interviews seriously. I now capture moments at fancy events where the champagne occasionally cause my pinky toe to have a major gout flare-up. In conclusion, consider swapping screen time for activities like meditation, extreme biking, or skydiving—anything but the draining vortex of social media.

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