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Alvaro Realtime Mayhem

25,600 subscribers

About Alvaro Realtime Mayhem

NEW: Live sessions of CRETE Development in Unreal Engine 5 on Tuesdays 11pm GMT and Thursdays 11am GMT. Remember to vote the topics in the community polls!

Hello! My name is Álvaro García and I'm filmmaker and game developer.

In the last few your I've been working in different companies such as MPC, DNEG or ILM, in movies like Avengers, Ready Player One, The Jungle Book, Pacific Rim or The Matrix 4.
I've been also working in my own pilots and films: SUMER (2015), and The Seed of Juna, which is already released and you can watch it in the channel.

In the last last year I pivoted The Seed of Juna to Unreal Engine and started the development of CRETE, a story-driven multiplayer videogame set in a biopunk universe. CRETE is a open project and you can see most of the development in Unreal Engine 5 in this very channel.
Thank you!

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