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Perseverance Mama

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About Perseverance Mama

Run your own race and Run to Win!!

Hey hey Mamas!

Welcome to Perseverance Mama! I'm Julia Joy and my husband and I have one little girl and we live on an acre of land outside of city life.

I am a former Primary Teacher with a masters in teaching, turned Homeschool Mama!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’–

My journey is to grow and develop and strive in all I do. Please join me here on this channel and we can grow as woman and mothers together.

Letting my hair go naturally gray, planning, goal setting, homemaking, parenting, and other mama task are all a part of my journey . I strive to be my best however I myself am a work in progress!

I'm so glad you are here on this earth. God has a purpose for your life. Each and every person does. You are loved by your creator and have great value.

Much love,

Julia Joy

1 Cor. 9:24-27

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