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About MusicIsTherapy835

~Fair Use Act ~ 1976 U.S.Copyright Disclaimer Act Section 107, notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106,106A provides fair use of copyrighted work including reproduction of phono-records, or any other means specified in that section, also included are examples of fair use under guidelines for educational purposes, teaching criticism, commentary, reporting, research and scholarships.”

*”Next to Love, MUSIC is the closest solution for any problem. Music feeds the SOUL with what it need’s at any particular moment.”

*”Be Aware around LOUD, Boastful, & Prideful People. A Lion does NOT need to tell me it is a Lion.”
*”Blood may make you related, LOYALTY is what makes A Family.”
*”Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination,and life to everything.” {Plato}

~”Without Music, Life would simply be a mistake.” {B Royal}

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