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722 subscribers

About Hangs4Fun

Where time is a premium, but you still want to enjoy some time in the woods. I share my experiences in the woods and with gear. From making your own to buying the best gear for your needs to packing the right gear for a trip. You too can get out there, no matter how busy.

I love to watch the Thru-Hiker and hammockers channels, especially Shug. The reality is, however, I won't be doing any thru-hikes until I retire and doubtfully any week long back pack trips unfortunately. I have a full time job, a family, and a lot of obligations that will not let me get more than a couple days on the trails. However, there is still great enjoyment and happiness to be found in those brief outings. I'm exploring how to make the most of the small amount of time I can get. Having refined my pack, my gear, my system, etc; I sincerely want to help others in the same boat, make time to safely enjoy some trail and hammock time.

"Remember to hang your own hang, and as always happy hang'en"

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