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Tom Vicarri LtColDaddy71

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About Tom Vicarri LtColDaddy71

I'm an accidental organic farmer who had a 26 yr military career, putting myself through college in the Marine Corps Reserves, and going active duty after receiving my BS. After meeting my active duty requirements, I pursued a career in civilian aviation, transferring back to the reserves.

I'm not "brainwashed organic".The choice was simple, I wanted to feed my livestock. I invested $10k in equipment and found an old farmer who still saved his own seed as a non hybrid corn farmer, so I picked up a truck load and was off to the races.

I met a great woman, we're expecting our 7th child. Things have changed. We went from 50-60 bushel on corn and 20ish on beans, to be real farmers. More land was bought, more animals, started a CSA, became a seed and feed enterprise, and are constantly upgrading and getting better.

My hope is for my kids to follow in my footsteps concerning both aviation and farming. We're making some videos now and may join the ranks of being on YouTube.

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