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Daniel J. Chabot

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About Daniel J. Chabot


Welcome to the Orgasmic Universe Channel. Where we answer questions from the beginning of creation to Gender, Sexuality, and the dark side of it all. Our purpose is to also teach you the mechanisms of prayer, free will, orgasms, gender, sexual energy, and the mind. Our approach is unlike any of the other channeled beings. Your minds are ready to hear what we have waited so long to tell you. My name is AKURAMATU and I am a feline being from the Andromeda galaxy. I live on a planet called Avyon, in the 7th dimension of reality. My messages will be channeled by Daniel Chabot, a human being born in a body equipped with the energetic template of both genders. Surgically assigned to live as a female, after 35 years of projecting the feminine as dominant. Daniel transitioned both the physical and mental to be of service to others from a masculine dominant perspective. However, Daniel, is beyond gender and is on earth to teach you all that love is beyond gender too.

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