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AlboPepper - Drought Proof Urban Gardening

143,000 subscribers

About AlboPepper - Drought Proof Urban Gardening

AlboPepper is for urban gardeners who enjoy the science of plant growing. Not just what to do, but also WHY we do it. This is gardening for open-minded people who like to learn.

Expect to see: Experiments & tests. This channel teaches some light science concepts, but it's not just some grow light channel. This is a GARDENING channel. Edible landscaping as a growing focus along with permaculture concepts. I love high density planting, container gardening & SIP sub-irrigated (self-watering) planters. To deal with climate change & drought we need every possible tool & technique.

Sustainability is crucial. But not everyone can adhere to the same method. So Albopepper explores lots of methods, the pros & cons & the growth that results. This allows each person to evaluate ALL options & select the things that work best for them. The main thing is to get out there & garden!!!

NOTE: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

#UrbanGardening #EdibleLandscape #LightScience

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