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Snippets of Victoria

72 subscribers

About Snippets of Victoria

I'm a middle-aged weirdo who has absolutely nothing figured out in her life and has no idea where the road leads. Former chef and current kitchen witch, most of my thoughts involve food. Sarcastic, and snarky, and a little too bitchy sometimes, but life has made me bitter, so this is who I am now. Join me on my journey of self-discovery, self-expression, and self-deprecation and sarcasm. I battle with a myriad of mental struggles (which is probably why I'm so snarky), like many, and I've hit some pretty low lows, but this channel is my new creative outlet and video diary of my journey to wholeness and personal bests. Some of it is bound to be hilarious and/or cringey enough to make you feel better about how your day is going! Join me on the road to 40!

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