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Knowledge Basket India

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Knowledge Basket India हा एक Health Education Platform आहे. जो माणसाला निसर्ग आणि धरतीमातेच्या जवळ नेण्यासाठी सुरू करण्यात आला आहे. आपल्या वैदिक ग्रंथांमधील ज्ञान सर्वांना सहज मिळावे व सर्वांचे जीवन समृद्ध व्हावे हा या मागचा प्रामाणिक हेतु.

Swashri Ghorpade
Knowledge Basket India
Gold Medalist In Yog Education Pune University
Yoga Teacher
M.B.A. (2nd Rank Holder I.B.M.R.D.)
B.Sc. Chemistry
Practicing Yog & Meditation from Internationally recognized Institutions
Participant International Yog Conferences

[email protected]


The Information Provided And Its Videos Are For General Purpose And Should Not Be Considered As Substitution For Doctor's Advise. I AM NOT A DOCTOR. Videos are based on my own experience, Knowledge gained through reading various books and Research through various authentic Websites, Videos and Literatures.

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