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Prepperjon PNW

82 subscribers

About Prepperjon PNW

Bushcraft - Prepping - Camping - Hunting - Fishing - Survival - Yondering - Leatherwork - Travel - Exploring - And a little bit of everything else in life -
Coming soon I will be posting new & Original content on this channel. The time has come for this bird to leave the nest or fly the coop lol. I may not ever achieve the levels of success that my mentors have (Coyote Works & Primal Outdoors) but I plan on having a good time trying! lol. I have zero experience editing and even less in filming
and/or all the new and varied ways to use media. I will be beginning the process of setting things up and simply put trying my darndest to not get overwhelmed. So a big cheers! To a brand new day every day! WOOHOO!!!

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