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Porch and Table

1 subscribers

About Porch and Table

Porch and Table is a media platform for So many people today feel disenfranchised and disconnected -- without a community to call their own. Others long for spiritual connections but are disinterested in traditional expressions of "church," often because they have been wounded by prior experiences or feel like they don't belong. In some cases, they feel like they aren't welcome or have been rejected by those institutions. The end result is that many people are opting out of anything "religious." And yet, all people need community -- a place where they belong, feel loved, and are free to explore the spiritual, without judgment or condemnation.

The goal of Porch and Table is to address these issues by creating a platform that provides access to: (1) a community on the Porch; and (2) a space for honest discussions about spiritual matters at the Table, both of which can be easily replicated by anyone anywhere.

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