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Simple Change

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Simple Changeの説明

My name is Corinne, I’m a hypno-soul therapist. Initially trained in hypnotherapy & RTT, however my own healing path, the work I do with clients, & my desire to become my highest expression & guide others to theirs has taken me on a much deeper path of healing. Giving rise to “Hypno-soul therapy” my own unique blend of holistic healing.

Healing is Simple when you understand yourself & the nature of reality, how we connect to it through our different bodies. In fact healing is often exciting & illuminating, creating so much transformation, growth & expansion which is exactly what your soul came for. Will there be moments that it feels uncomfortable? Yes but so what? If we avoided feeling uncomfortable we'd still be crawling on the floor (Yikes!)

Together we journey into the depths of your soul, turning on the light, facing & purifying all the corruption within, & through the beauty & wisdom of the soul, through reconnecting back to source we activate healing at a cellular level.

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