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Never let the adventure end!

405 subscribers

About Never let the adventure end!

I am a retired firefighter. For years I have been teaching young people that would come into the firehouse wanting to become firefighters, to live a fulfilled life they needed to realize what they absolutely love to do, then figure out a way to make a living doing just that. 23 years of running calls and seeing things I can't erase, I was diagnosed with severe PTSD. All of this is to tell you why I started my channel. I found that if I created momentum my days were so much better. I came up with an acronym TIE, it stands for Teach, Inspire and entertain. I hope through my videos you have learned something new and are moved to action in your own life. Hopefully they have brought you enjoyment. We never know how we will affect the people we touch but if we live each day with passion, compassion and purpose the possibilities are endless. This is my journey to overcome mental injury and make a positive impact in the lives around me. I hope you enjoy my journey. Have a great day!

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