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Solar Skink

0 subscribers

About Solar Skink

Hey there! I'm Solar Skink, but you can call me solar. Here are some things about me:

I am trying to get to 2000 subs
I like music
I post animations
My life goal is to get a YouTube play button
I am trying to post short animated movies
I am always animating
Feel free to ask questions (I awnser them all)
I also post gaming
And vr content
I'm NOT an Avery animations clone I was at gtag content before him lmao
I have a cat who I luv so much (not in a weird way)
I have a dog
I'm still kinda young so don't judge my trashy content
Srry if I say smth rude I don't mean it
If I do say smth rude I'm prolly having a bad day
I'm an Aussie
But I was born in Scotland (so I'm also Scottish)
I like playing gtag fangames
I like making gtag fangames
Mine are trash so I'll prolly delete them :(

That's all! Subscribe so I can hit 2500 subs!! Thanks for all the support over my channel it rlly means a lot

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