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Onuche Ja'T is an African film maker, the producer of THE EXPRESSION, an interesting movie that features AVEECOL EWAGOYIN and MALTINA COMPANY. He is a passionate film maker and the main principle that governs his work is, to use movies as an instrument to correct the abnormalities, how the society should be and to awakening our historical background to look into who we really are as an African. Some of Onuche Ja'T quotes are:

Film is meant to speak about our every day reality as it affects our collective being" @Onuche Ja'T

"Let our movie revolve round our values, culture and struggle as partaining to our day to day experience in our society" @Onuche Ja'T

" Let's act more to pass a particular message rather than pass some stunts" ..@Onuche Ja'T

"Our movie should be a reflection of how we want our society to be"...@Onuche Ja'T

"Movie should be a tool of expression rather than a means to acquire wealth" @Onuche Ja'T

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