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Ludwig Guitar

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About Ludwig Guitar

Hello and welcome to my channel.
My name is Ludwig and I am an enthusiastic guitar player from Germany.
I started to play over 50 years ago as a teenager in a band but had to quit later due to work and family. After a long break, I started to play again in 2020.
I got my inspiration mostly from The Shadows, The Ventures, and The Spotnicks.
I am glad if you like my instrumentals and leave some feedback.
All the best, Ludwig


Ludwig Guitar
c/o Stephanie Kunz
In der Bette 2
69256 Mauer

Telefon: +4915756507613
Email: [email protected]

Zuständige Regulierungs- und Aufsichtsbehörde:
Landesanstalt für Kommunikation Baden-Württemberg (LFK)
Reinsburgstraße 27
70178 Stuttgart
-Deutschland -

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