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Illuminated Minds Music

3,910 subscribers

About Illuminated Minds Music

Step into the tranquil oasis of Illuminated Minds Music channel, where soothing melodies and gentle rhythms dance together in harmony. Here, you will find a sanctuary of serenity, a respite from the noise and chaos of the world. Immerse yourself in the ethereal melodies that caress your senses and transport you to a realm of peace and tranquillity. Let the music embrace your soul, unravelling the knots of stress and worry, and replacing them with waves of calm and rejuvenation. Whether you seek solace after a long day or simply wish to unwind and find inner balance, this channel is your gateway to a world of relaxation and healing. Let the music gently wash away the burdens of the day, leaving you refreshed, renewed, and at peace.

I make my videos on my channel. I create something fresh and original as well as out of resources that others have given me, with their permission & licence.

Please like and subscribe to my channel if you think I've done a good job at calming your mind.

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