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Link 1 below: The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) an international law organization with branches throughout the world have come forward to condemn the US in its prolonged belligerent military occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom & work with Hawaiians to end our occupation.

Link 2 below: The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) an international law organization with branches throughout the world, has come forward to take a stand against the US for its 129 year occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom & work with Hawaiians to free us from this tyrannical occupation. Click the link below to view the official NLG resolution condemning the US’s acts against the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Link 3 below: UN Independent Expert Alfred DeZayas, international law expert, professor & world renowned author who wrote & distributed this memorandum regarding the illegal overthrow, occupation, illegal land sales & illegal imposition of U.S. law on Hawaiian citizens.

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