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Random eXits

3 subscribers

About Random eXits

This channel is about taking random exits off the beaten path. Whether it's a trail, freeway, street, or train-of-thought; sometimes we need to take random exits. Sometimes it takes you to a lake you can only get to in 4WD. Sometimes it ends with a fence; other times it's bubba, with a shotgun, and Ole' Yeller (foam and all) telling you, you're on their property.
Tool TIp: Do not argue, they are, for that moment, the most right person on the planet and you are happy to leave.
But it's always an adventure. And occasionally you get my thoughts on stuff. BONUS! Random THOTS!
I started taking random exits when I was 13 years old growing up in Colorado. The experiences continue to shape me.
I have taken so many great adventures without video that I feel selfish. Well, some would argue, or. . . wouldn't argue. Come along, then take your own random exits and share.

Random eXits are definitely Rx For The Soul.

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