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Worship Music - Celestial Chords

114,000 subscribers

About Worship Music - Celestial Chords

‘In His presence is fullness of joy.’ - Psalm 16:11
Welcome to "Worship Music - Celestial Chords" where the Peaceful Soaking Worship Instruments will sooth you and comfort you. Our channel is a haven for those seeking solace in the soothing sounds of instrumental prophetic worship music.

Our music features a variety of instruments, from the soothing tones of the piano and harp to the ethereal sounds of synthesized pads, all carefully curated to facilitate a deep, meditative relaxing and prayerful atmosphere.

Whether you’re seeking a peaceful backdrop for prayer, meditation, or simply a tranquil start or end to your day, our music aims to uplift your spirit, comfort your heart and draw you closer to the Holy Spirit.

Join us on this journey of faith and tranquility. Subscribe and allow our music to fill your environment with peace and worship.

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