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About mawazhere13

hey, not quite sure what to say in here...
my pony is 14.1 hands, 6 years old, a paint mare, and really stubborn xD i started riding her in november 2009 because the horse i was leasing had gone lame, so I decided to give lady a try. first, it took me about 45 minutes just to get on her, and we had heard tons of horror stories about her being savage and just a mean little mare. our first ride was very rough. she was very forward, and i still have yet to ride a horse who could trot as fast as she did! she threw some massive bucks in and my mom swore i would never ride her again. meanwhile i was like.. madly in love with this midget pony :D so i ended up convincing her to let me lease her :) there were a number of times i wanted to give up, ride a pushbotton pony again, or just quit riding for good. she was my first horse that i had to train completely by myself, she would buck, bolt, couldnt clip, bathe, or trailer, could barely lead, and many other problems. from what i heard, my barn bought her as a very green 4 year old, put begginner riders up on her, and then when no one could ride her they just kept her in the field until we found her. we bought her in febuary 2010, now were training for eventing, focusing on dressage right now as we took a break from jumping to just focus on perfecting our flat work. thats about all i can think to write, I'll put some updates as they come i guess.
- Look at me, now look at you.
now tell me hunny
whos jealous of who ;)
- While yall talk about me, i sit back and think... DAMN i got myself a fan club!
- If your going to be two faced, at least make on of them pretty.
-I love my life, and apparently you do to.
- Before you open your mouth... Make sure you have a mind to back up all the things you say.

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