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About Qlipothian

There is a pack of grass inside the fridge. It seems to be Nanako's science project. ...Eat it?
For some reason, there is an alarm clock inside, ticking away. Was Dojima running late this morning?
There is a cup of barley tea... Drink it? It was actually udon soup, what a terrible mistake!
You see a brown spherical object at the back of the fridge. You think it used to be a pear... Eat it?
You see a strange mushroom in the fridge. You think it may have grown out of something else in there... Eat it?
You see a bag of wasabi... lick it?
There's a magazine in the vegetable bin... You flip through it and see that it's an official fan club magazine for a popular female idol... This is Teddie's doing... You left it alone.
There's animal hair in the egg case! The color and feeling is somehow familiar... It's... Teddie's hair? ...You left it alone.

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