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0 subscribers

About hxthead

Hi, I’m just a bug on the internet who also happens to be a massive simp.
I have no idea how you came across my channel but, sup-

20 subs [(March-6)2022]
30 subs [(March-27)2022]
40 subs [(March-27)2022]
50 subs [(March-28)2022]
60 subs [April-1)2022]
70 subs [April-6)2022]
80 subs [(April-8)2022]
90 subs [(April-10)2022]
100 subs [(April-23)2022]
125 subs [(May-2)2022]
150 subs [(June-21)2022]

Holy freak… TYSM 😭😭😭 Can’t believe we’re at 150 subs!
So glad I can keep making my crackhead edits for you guys ❤️
I just want to improve as an editor, and make my videos better and more fun to watch ☺️

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