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The super chomik guides channel

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About The super chomik guides channel

NON FUNGIBLE CHOMIK IS THE BEST CHOMIK (my beloved) ROCK CANDY CHOMIK CAN BURN IN HELL AHEJWHRIWGFOENRJ. Anyways hello welcome to The super pro chomik guides channel where I do guides about find the chomiks and possibly other games in the future like find the puffles which is a game my friend made.

Chomiks: 939
Chomiks on mobile I got: 935
Chomiks on pc I got: 4 which are zombo.chom chromashatter billy and cybernetic
My favourite realms: Backrooms, revamp realm, frigid outskirts and Amethsyt abyss:
I have all easy chomiks, medium chomiks, hard chomiks, intense chomiks, insane chomiks, Obama chomiks, hahahaahha chomiks and even the hardest chomik in the game everything chomik!
My remaining chomiks: rock candy chomik (DIE AHHHHHH) headless horsemik, badger chomik, size 2, festive titan, soup and Uber secret
Idk what else to add so uh yea like and subscribe kthx

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