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Will Griff

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About Will Griff

Every breath is a miracle. Thriving life grateful. Boredom is peace. Without the latter the former is impossible. I would rather have my mouth closed and be thought a fool then to open it and remove all doubt. What I do know is that I don't know. A wise man's burden is Is the gift of wonder. Childs joy never left . What created hell must we sojour to arrive where no one leaves.? Why search for somethin we either always had or will never get? When time moves by being still. Constant. The journey of a million miles begins with one step. You must first become the change you wish to see in the world. the greatest teacher always remained a student. The lesson isn't measured. By how many breaths you take miracles you make foundations you found or shake But by how many lessons memories laughs tears thanks to take your breath away.
Will Griffin 2024 5/31

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