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Jurassic Funatic

1,740 購読者を
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Jurassic Funaticの説明

*My Channel is COMEDIC, reviews are NOT intended to be the award-winning quality*

Light Profanity throughout channel, this channel is intended for 13+ viewers

I'm Jurassic Funatic!

Consider yourself early to a video if you see it before the finished thumbnail (It isn't very hard)

This is my channel dedicated to all things action figures!
I love to share my passion for toys... with, whatever in the crust my sense of humor is...
Only the spiciest of spice, the saltiest of salt

My content is VERY spicy
Videos will be catered towards the adult toy collector, nature's most bizarre specimen of homosapian

Content is NOT intended for a child audience, but viewers under the age of 13 will not be exiled from content of thyself

You HAVE been warned... Byeeeeeeee

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