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Mike Macedo

8 subscribers

About Mike Macedo

I am a Clinician and Motivational Speaker/Presenter with Autism. After 8 years of being a panel speaker, in 2017 I branched out on my own, delivering keynote speeches at teacher convocations, autism safety/awareness expos, and transition fairs. I share what my experiences were having an ASD and navigating through HS and college "pretending to be normal". I always feature a lengthy Q+A period during my presentations so that my audience has the opportunity to ask me anything they want. My ultimate goal is to reach out to an audience of young adults on the high-functioning side of the Spectrum, a side where many of our needs get overlooked, as well as our strengths. I will discuss certain challenges I have faced as an adult with Asperger's, with the hope that others may see themselves represented and not feel alone. I want to create an outlet for other Autistic adults to share their stories, their challenges, and accomplishments.

I can be reached at [email protected]

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