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57 subscribers

About Sayden-Gail

My name is Anslee-Bell, and I love to make art and listen to music.
I’m a loving Christian that tries her best in life.
I was born 11.07.07 and I Live in Tennessee. There isn’t anything special about me really,
If you ask, I wouldn’t say I have enemies, but I don’t have many close friends either. I enjoy my inner circle..
Anyways… I would like to try to get my drawings known, and if anyone has any suggestions or tips, I would love to hear them!
You won’t ever see me give up or back away from anything. I’d do anything for anyone if it was necessary. you can rely and trust me, doesn’t mean I’ll trust you 100% though.

Here’s a little more about me:
Suggested verses: Luke 1:37 and John 3:16.
My favorite emojis- 🤍🥥🥀😴
My fav food: honestly anything Italian lol, Drink: Coffee and dr pep,
Color: grey and purple,
Animals: dogs, cats, and whales.

Okie well if anyone actually reads this, I hope you have a swell life.

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