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Seamus Breen

463 subscribers

About Seamus Breen

Excerpts fromTraditional Folk Sessions.
These are extracts from folk sessions mainly across the North East of England and are primarily Irish music.
Feel free to name the tunes.

Invite me to your session.

Public Notice:
Most of the sessions I attend are in the public domain. Frequently we see more than one mobile camera phone capturing events.
Leaders of some sessions invite me and so ensure more publicity for their gathering. Others appreciate there is a historical record for future generations.
Invites to private events are again on the basis that occasions can be shared wider afield by relatives and friends often in far flung countries.
If any musician does not wish to appear please advice me before hand and we can then agree positioning so you are not in shot.
If anyone is unhappy about an existing video and wishes it to be deleted, please do make contact. Others may be upset if we delete.

There is no financial gain through this channel.

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