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About FuGyz

Hi! I'm FuGyz! Great to see you here! Here is some information about me!
• I'm an artist, frame-by-frame animator...
• I edit videos of any kind.
• I like playing and making games.
• I can talk PT/EN.
• Visit my friends, t0Syx "the lazy bone", F1uLL "the Bob builder"!
• Also don't forget about FlerGy, he's my little friend, my pet!
• Message me for artistic projects for free.

So you don't know why I'm here?
You'll maybe be interested, I know my English isn't the best when speaking but I'm sure you'll have fun.

I do a lot of video types, animated, drawn, edited, montages, funny clips, friends doing funny and stupid random stuff, all of that sweet sweet funny content. Tho, there is a problem, I'm doing school so my video schedule is 1 per 1 or 2 months.

I expect a lot of things from me, but I'm not sure if I can make my dreams come true if I don't do enough.

You can also message me on Discord (FuGyz#3221), I'm opened for any artistic projects that I can reach and any collaboration.

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