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About JEFF X

DISCLAIMER: Like, follow and share at own risk. If you disagree with any of the content, feel free to leave a comment - your input will be promptly filed under 'Things I'll Consider When I Rule The World'. Should you find yourself confused, outraged, or appalled, remember, it's just the internet and there's a whole world outside to explore...unless it's too hot, or too cold, or there's people out there - then just stay in and keep scrolling. Please remember this account and related accounts are for “entertainment” purposes only. If any of the post, ideas, content or theories expressed on this account or related accounts happen to be true or are related to nefarious agendas past, present or future, please do not hurt me, just kindly ask me to remove it and I’ll be more than happy to comply. After all I am a reasonable person and my life means more to me than a silly online account. Keep calm and carry on scrolling friends!

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