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The Sluggish Channel

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The Sluggish Channelの説明

Hello there, I am Sluggish Gamer and I make useful, entertaining and interesting videos featuring (but not limited to) games like Fortnite, Cyberpunk 2077, Gta Online and Apex Legends on this channel which I have named as The Sluggish Channel 😁. I will use my voice in videos where explanation is really necessary.

Also, I am a pure YouTuber, no Twitch, Instagram, Facebook etc. I started on YouTube with no Friends at all & I came up till here & now I have many friends on YouTube.

YouTube Videos for Games I am Planning to Work on include:

1: Fortnite (Challenges, News, Skins Unlocking).
2: Some Fortnite Experiment Videos for fun.
3: Apex Legends

So, if you find this channel useful, then be my friend & consider subscribing to this channel.


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