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Sunil Sainis

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About Sunil Sainis

This channel is about my attempts to demonstrate how physics measurements work.

Being a professional physicist I tend to do a lot of complex physical measurements and modelling of various phenomena. I am trying to come up with ways to transfer that knowledge to the next generation of people that are seeking a career in physics.

I find there a lot of channels on YouTube that talk about how to build a device or how to demo a cool effect. Very few channels on YouTube explain how a measurement in physics actually works. You only learn that kind of thing in grad school, and I want to change that.

I have begun a series of astronomical measurements using my Edmund Scientific 6" Newtonian Reflector scope. It has a motorized equatorial mount. I want to use these measurements as platform to begin discussing the core ideas that go into a physical measurement.

Sunil Sainis

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