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Flevir, the Dragon Romper

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Información sobre Flevir, the Dragon Romper

I've switched up my channel. I am now going to respond to things I find as harmful or interesting to debate about, including but not limited to religion, politics, science, and pseudoscience. I am an agnostic atheist and I have quite strong opinions on the separation of church and state that I think should exist in any major society so as not to infringe upon the rights of others. I hold firm to my stance that whatever can be done with religion can be done without it, and while I recognize the good that religious institutions can do, I believe that more often than not they cause more harm than good. Do not be confused, however; I do not believe that the religious are part of the problem. They are merely "victims" swept up in the institutions that religion has established, and they are as much at risk from religious institutions' follies as anyone else. Thus is why I have decided to make this channel, to combat these problems.

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