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Pinche Bruha

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About Pinche Bruha

Disclaimer: I’m an massh@le full of angst who talks shit about everything and everyone because I think out loud thanks ADHD. A Devils Advocate since birth I will always question authority and have no control of saying the quiet part out loud. I pokes bears and whack beehives I’d say it was for fun but its not, I’m learning always learning…testing testing 123 is this thing on? Eye Hate People, when they disappoint and cry when when they rescue animals and each other because I don’t judge (yeah right how else am I supposed to know what’s real) I must judge everyone and everything because I need to know what makes people tick….I am Human with a whole set of human emotions… sometimes they go off the Richter Scale…. Damaged goods I guess, like so many others… forgive but never forget the lessons

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