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Dividend Compounders with Cheese

2,680 subscribers

About Dividend Compounders with Cheese

I make videos about investing, wall street, & retirement but with a sense of humor sprinkled in.

Who am I? My name is Amos. I graduated from a military academy for my undergrad & got my MBA from a top US program. I worked at two different fortune 20 companies. Now i'm a full-time YouTuber and I do what I genuinely love to do.

I am not a professional investor. I'm an amateur investor sharing my experience of what I've learned, where I have had success, and where I've had failures. My approach and goal to investing is to buy high-quality long-term investments in world-class businesses that I call "compounders". I view my investments as businesses, not as stocks. Please do not blindly follow me into any investments. Make sure your portfolio is built around your specific income, risk tolerance, personality, timeline, and overall circumstances. The content on this channel should not be considered professional financial investment or tax advice.

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