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Suzanne's Simple Living

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About Suzanne's Simple Living

Hi there, welcome to ‘Suzanne’s simple living’

I’ve always known a simple life since childhood when I was always drawing, making arts & crafts and enjoying the garden and wildlife.

Through the years I have always been frugal and don’t like waste and so began my reselling. I love charity shops and I’ve always bought my clothes from there, alongside being a minimalist as well concentrating on living not belongings.

I am an introvert and find crowds and busy places stressful, so a simple life suits me very well.

My home is just five minutes from the gateway to the ancient heaths & woodlands of the New Forest, Hampshire, England where the deer, ponies & cattle roam free.

Enjoy calm & peaceful ‘simple living’ films connected to nature.

Thank you for being here,

Take care,

Best Wishes,

Suzanne x

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