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Infertility And Me Podcast

192 subscribers

About Infertility And Me Podcast

Real-life uncut stories of infertility survivors & expert advice that validates, educates, & creates a community where no one is left silently suffering. Your host is Monique, an IVF-mom to one, entrepreneur, and women’s health advocate. Join us as we amplify infertility awareness, heal, & end the stigmas!

Guests bravely share their experiences with IVF, IUI, adoption, surrogacy, embryo adoption, living childfree after infertility, LGBTQ+, and male factor infertility. Tune-in bi-weekly for your dose of validation.

Email [email protected] for questions, feedback, or submit your story for a chance to record with Monique on the show ;)

*Monique is not a mental health therapist or reproductive doctor. The information on this podcast is not meant to serve as a replacement for medical treatment or diagnosis.*

”Infertility will bring the strongest man or toughest woman to their knees" Good news is, you don't have to stay there! -Monique

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