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L. Alchemy

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About L. Alchemy

Initially, the only reason I had for "creating a channel" was to comment on Audios & Videos I feel the need to Praise...

A new reason occurred to me, hence the description And I have chosen to make ALL of My Playlists open to Public View.

My whole life I've been Well Aware of how "different" I was/am from everyone I've ever met. I learned to blend in and became accustomed to being a loner, but it can be very lonely.

Discovering the ASMR Community a couple of months ago made me aware that there are So Many Others like or similar to myself! So, if you feel like something Other than "Normal" (whatever that is)... feel free to look through My Playlists and I Hope doing so will have a Positive Effect!

At the very least, you'll see how "normal" I Am Not! BUT, my Strangeness hurts No One, Myself Included...

I could say so much more, but I think I'd like to leave you with this one thought:

Who Really Wants To Be "Normal", Anyway?!

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