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About BlueFlame

I cannot be defined in one sentence.
Dear friends,
I have good news and bad news for you all.
The good news is that there is no bad news and the bad news is that there is no good news.
I have a thing for overtly long, complex sentences that amount to nothing but please the deep desire in me to completely destroy any semblance of hope people may have for me; and to that extent I seek pleasure in melting people's desire for succinct sentences and MURDERING PEOPLE WHO THINK ENGLISH IS JUST ANOTHER LANGUAGE.
Do you remember that kid who was always sitting alone on the playground, talking to himself and who all the teachers always just smiled and nodded whenever he said anything because secretly they were all thinking "OMG, this kid is batshit insane!"?
In some cultures what I do is considered normal...
I made hundreds of people smile by just being nice.
I don’t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

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