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Mathis Chronicles

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About Mathis Chronicles

Welcome! I am Christopher Mathis from New Jersey. I had my first 'Spiritual Awakening' in 1995 while living in Charlotte NC. After receiving my Mother's phone call of my father's fatal heart attack my crown chakra blew open, instantly reorganizing every belief and perception I ever had. Back then the Matrix, Avatar talk, and quantum physics was not in our collective consciousness. Fast forward 28 years barely surviving my Dark Night of the Soul Journey, I am now coming through my second awakening which led me to start making spiritually themed educational videos. I am trying to pass along the lessons I have gone through and the hope I still have that we as a Society can come together and take back this planet from the evil that now seems to govern every facet of our life. Every video I make I try to offer something positive and know in the end Light will always defeat the Dark.

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