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About WhackedoutCookie

Link to my song obsession on SoundCloud

"Obsession" being a very important song to me. That I recorded on the "bad guy" instrumental from the song "bad guy" by Eminem. I recorded it over 10 years ago and it was the first song I ever made. It's not some phenomenal work of art or anything, but it is emotional. I wrote the lyrics in one night in rehab when I was planing on kms when I got out. it was supposed to be a "goodbye" song. I figured I should try putting it on here. All feedback would be much appreciated. I feed off "constructive criticism".
The original un altered version is on my SoundCloud from almost 10 years ago. here's the link if anyone is interested. The last 20 or so seconds are not great. I knew I was running out of time on the instrumental and abandoned all flow/technique in favor of getting all the lyrics out and it resulted into a bad ending. I apologize to anybody that doesn't enjoy it.

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