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Oscar Guitar

807 subscribers

About Oscar Guitar

Welcome. I hope you enjoy my content

Guitar covers, compositions, jamming, tutos

And gaming :
-Gwent Pro Rank on multiple seasons (Wolf, Love, Griffin etc...)
-Multiple 3 MoE and Kolobanov medals World of Tank stream, -FLAK clan founder, PzFl rank 1
-Battlefield 4 e-sport great MYST clan founder, undefeated in conquest
-War Thunder tier X+ jets, tank gameplay, commentary, tutorials
-Fortnite hundreds of solo wins, gameplay, Cash Cup stream
-Overwatch Season 1 master + 4 diamond accounts in solo queue
-The Witcher 3 pioneer, Smite Bellona main, RPGs, Ultimate Ninja Storm, CS:GO, BF3, Hardline, fun and much more !

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