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Frankie Fernandez

42 subscribers

About Frankie Fernandez

Humans have not changed in hundreds of thousands of years. There was no stack of pancakes in the morning. No 6 meals a day. They woke up and went hunting. Sometimes they would not get a kill. It is very natural to go 2 or 3 days with no food. Your metabolism will not slow down until day 3 or 4 of no food, not 2 or 3 hours. That hunger pain you get every 3 hours is your sugar addiction. Sugar is cooked and turned into high fructose corn syrup. It is more addictive than heroin or cocaine and put in 80% of the food supply on purpose. Why? To keep us all fat with cancers. Why? Because pharmaceutical medicine is a multi trillion dollar industry. I cut the sugars and dropped 70 pounds. I'm not playing their game and refuse to take "medication" that will only cause more illnesses like dementia and Alzheimers in my later years. So educate yourself and know that sugars and carbs raises insulin, which is the fat storage hormone. Your doctor is not going to tell you this but I am. Good luck

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