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Spartacus Jones: Music for Rebels and Romantics

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Spartacus Jones: Music for Rebels and Romanticsの説明

If Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde formed a song-writing team, that would be me.
I think maybe I've been writing the same two songs over and over since I was a kid.
One of them is about love. Perfect love, lost love, true love, unrequited love, chivalrous love, who we love, why we love, when we love, yada-yada. You name it.
The other one is about hate -- resentment, resistance, rebellion, revolution and a few other r's -- which means it's also about love because we hate the things that threaten the things we love.
Breaking free. Getting even. Striking a blow for a righteous cause. And other such follies.
That's the yin and the yang of it.
Every song is a story, every story has a story-teller, and every story-teller has a voice. That voice may be country, or jazz or rock or folk or all of the above. It just goes where it goes.
So that's my scene. I hope you dig it.

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